Monday, 17 September 2012

Courtesy for moot trial

This is simple n basic courtesy which I've used for my criminal procedure moot trial... at that time, i'm acting on behalf of the prosecution side... if u re acting for the opponent then just change a few words..

My Lordship, may I/it please the court


-   I’m  (ur name) appear with (junior counsel's name) for the prosecution or

I’m (ur name) and beside me my learned colleague/my learned junior (junior counsel's name). We are representing the prosecution.

-   My learned friend (                               ) appears with (                               ) for the defence counsel of the accused persons.


-   With my Lord’s leave, my learned colleague/ junior will be addressing my Lord on the issues of the power of the public prosecutor to amend charge and power of court to invoke Section 158 of the Criminal Procedure Code.

*once you've introduced ur opponent, then please mention them as “my learned friend


-   My Lord, prosecution here humbly seek to this honorable court an application to amend the charge to certain accused persons, namely, Ah Moi, Muthu and Ahmad from charged under section 302 of the Penal Court for murder with common intention under section 34 of the Penal Code to section 304 (First Limb) of the Penal Code for culpable homicide not amounting to murder with common intention under section 34 of the Penal Code.


-   My Lordship, may prosecution confirm whether my Lord had received upon those my authority case


-   would my Lordship like to be brief on the facts of the case

HINT: ayat boleh guna sebelum say or do something
-May it please you My Lord
-with your Lordship’s leave

-   With your Lordship’s leave, shall prosecution proceed with the submission?


-   May I invite My Lord’s attention to exhibit X

-   Might I take your Lordship to page (     )
*in case, if judge had difficulty in finding a documents

-   Is My Lord is with me at paragraph (   ) at page (      )
*If intends to read from a document

-   With My Lord’s leave, if I might be permitted to read from paragraph 3…


-   As to the law on this proposition, may I invite my Lady to the prosecution bundle of authorities? It appears at page (     ). It is a decision of the Supreme Court in the case of (                                  ) and is cited as [1977] 1 AMR 612

-   I will not trouble my Lord with pages 25 and 26, but there is a passage on page 28 that is relevant to our point of arguments


-   Therefore, my Lord, on the facts and the law, it is my submission that…..

-   The argument I would therefore advance, my Lord, on the facts of the case is that firstly, the issue of provocation. Secondly, on the issue of absence of mens rea


-   I take my Lord’s question, it might be clearly addressed after I have finished my part of submission

-   With my Lord’s indulgence, what is troubling my Lord will be addressed later in my submission

-   Might I take my Lord’s point a little later
*if judge insist on immediate answer

-   May I deal with my Lord’s concern immediately? The answer may be found in…..


-   I beg to defer!


-   Indeed! (stand for YES)
-   My apologies! (stand for NO)


-   My Lord, I would like to seek the permission of the court to proceed with the prayer for relief

-   Much obliged!

-   My Lord, based on the above mentioned counts that prosecution have submitted, prosecution humbly pray to this honorable court that based on the evidence/exhibit tendered in court, the prosecution believe that the conviction for Muthu, Ah Moi and Ahmad directed more to and fulfilling the elements of conviction under section 304 (First Limb) of the Penal Code.

-   Therefore, prosecution humbly pray to the court to amend  the charge under section 302 of the Penal Code to section 304 (first limb)of Penal Code to certain accused person, namely,  to Ah Moi, Muthu and Ahmad
-   With My Lord’s leave, prosecutions humbly pray to the court to grant to the prosecution to produce a copy of the amended charge to the three accuse person and mark the amended charge as an exhibit.


-   Your Lordship!

-   If there is no further inquiries as regards the prosecution submission on this issue proof upon the court
-   The prosecution wishes to take a retreat and give a way to our learned friend to resume their submission

-   Much obliged, My Lord!

-   Thank you for your time and indulgence..


Saturday, 1 September 2012


hari ni sumer feelin tu dah bercampur baur!
wutever it is...esok is gonna be my first day of work (insyAllah)...

semua org berharap everthing akan okay2 je including me...

doakan saya ye! 


Friday, 31 August 2012



Jadi, doa ni buatmu...

on his birthday! this present is for him... (grateful & alhamdulillah sebab dia suka..)

Monday, 30 July 2012


apa yg nak dibuat selama ONE- MONTH BREAK?

I have plus n minus about one months break before start chambering... so, nak buat apa jer selama satu bulan ni..??

Tu aku pon confius..

nak kerja..sah2 la xboleh..sebab jarang org nak terima part timer sebulan je nih..

yg memang confirm2 benda yg aku kena buat during the time break..xlain dan xbukan..aku memang xkan tinggalkan dunia study..dunia membaca aku..walopon secara not in officially nye dah habis belaja..aku still nak kena belajar lagi..n without pegang buku kat life isn't feel like complete at all! seriously!.. 

tiber2 lak teringat zaman aku terlantar demam terok kat hospital..dah mcm budak skema dekat sekolah..penuh katil aku dgn buku2.. nurse n doctor pon agaknye dah naik kagum.(kata dorg lah kan..hehe)..mana tak nye aku bawak segala khazanah buku2 aku..boring gila kott dok je atas katil..dah macam org sakit terok..oushh...malas dah nak ingat.. (tu zaman sekolah dulu laa..tingkatan 4 kot if xsilap).. entah la..membaca is may passion... xboleh lekang dgn habit tue!...

kadang2 tu masa kat u..kena bahan dengan kawan2 pon ada..bukan je kena bahan..jadi bahan gado pon ada! ahaha..betoii!..tapi mmg kelakar kott!haha.. pegi library untuk discussion..instead of tunggu je member2 yg lain datang..aku pon pegi laa photostat apa2 je bahan yg aku rasa boleh tambahkan input aku..kadang2 benda yg aku photostat tu xde kena mengena pon dgn idup aku..haha..cth nye..still sampai sekarang aku simpan article2 yg aku photostat ni "hak anak angkat pasal isu berbin/berbinti kan nama ayah angkat","undang-undang media"..nak tau ape article tu cakap(ayat dia lebih kurang mcm nie la):

"melihat...menonton bahan lucah adalah tidak menjadi satu kesalahan di bawah undang-undang Malaysia..ianya menjadi kesalahan apabila ianya disebarkan kepada umum...n bla bla blaaa"-its sound interesting kan...

so, selama satu bulan nie..aku decide nak polish ape yg ptt..thru READING...antara yg tershort listed:

1. baca Quran terjemahan
2. polish grammar... n also conversation in English (bagi aku it is not too late to sape2 yg nak belaja..BI aku bukan power sgt pon!budak tadika lagi power kot!haha) 
3. since, aku dah make up my mind nak buat accident, sepanjang cuti nie go thru laa mana2 kes, article or even information pasal accident (in general) and on the law of tort (specifically nye lah)
4. n anythin seem possible n interesting nak dibaca.. 

p/s: alah, sebenarnye kejap je 1 months ni...pejam celik pejam celik...dah start chambering..uwargh..sound scary uhuh...

IFTAR with - love one & sister's new born baby

I am truly my mother's daughter..

All my best to 'you' -little miracle

mak vs. bakal mak mertua..hehe

andak & yana tgok camera..sis, where r u looking at?

tq for the meals and ur gift 'graduation in advance'..haha..

we were all having fun... including si kenit 'yana'..hehe

Sunday, 29 July 2012


we r thinking of sumthin different to be given to all the guests ..sumthin yang boleh 'disimpan', i came across to the idea of 'tq-calendar card'-' small piece of card yang boleh disimpan even dalam purse...

byk design dah 'try n error', nie yg kami minat..menepati citrarasa kitaorg! hehe...ade satu design yg kitaorg minat dia cantik..tapi bila letak je picca kitaorg..jadi xcun plak..haha..finally.......

original design as suggested by kad kahwin sempoi

front view 

Calendar 2013

p/s: byk lagi benda nak pikir after this!huhu

Saturday, 7 July 2012

filem muzikal HOORE! HOORE!

HOORE! HOORE! adalah sebuah filem muzikal lagu-lagu Sudirman & diarahkan oleh saudara Saw Teong Hin. Filem ini dibarisi oleh pelakon Akim, Kilafairy, Nurfarah Nazirah, Adibah Noor dan lain-lain. Filem ini mengisahkan seorang wanita Nurul Aiman yang mempunyai tubuh yang agak gempal dan tidak terlalu cantik, bendul tapi berhati baik. Namun begitu, ciri-ciri kewanitaan tetap ada dalam diri Nurul Aiman seperti gadis-gadis yang lain. 

Di sekolah Iman mempunyai seorang kawan bernama Johari, seorang yang tampan dan segak. Dalam diam Johari menyukai Iman. Dalam pada itu, Lana dan seorang rakan sekolah yang cantik dan popular bernama Rita juga sangat meminati Johari. Rita seorang gadis yang ego dan sentiasa cari pasal dengan Iman. Ayah Johari pula ialah seorang Ustaz iaitu Cikgu Murshid.

Pada masa yang sama, Iman tergerak hati untuk menyertai pertandingan Ratu Idola yang dianjurkan oleh sebuah majalah. Rita juga menyertai pertandingan itu. Mengetahui yang Iman juga menyertai pertandingan itu, pelbagai rintangan yang dihadapi oleh Iman bukan saja dari musuh ketatnya Rita tetapi masyarakat memandang dingin akan niatnya itu.

-filem ni sgt2 best...yg xdapat tgok wayang mcm ekin..cari la cd..or down load memaner.. cuz filem ni ade unsur2 kekeluargaan, happy family at the same time berlaku jugak konflik dalaman dalam family tu..ade jugak scene yg sedih (nak mengalir juga airmata den).. seriously, menonton cerita ni buat ekin release sikit tension... yg paling terbaik- muzikal dia..memang sedap! n olahan lagu dorg buat sgt terbaik! for me, suara Nurul Aiman sgt sedap! 
-pada yg suka menonton filem muzikal, so this is the right film that u MUST tonton! :)

nyanyian lagu terbaik oleh nazirah..kata nazirah "saya sgt berbesar hati dapat menyanyikan semula
lagu Allahyarham Sudirman"

p/s: habiskan ujung  minggu tgok filem... dulu kat uni xdpt now balas dendam...weekdays jgn harap la dapat tgok! heee

ni la jadinya bila confident sgt sebut perkataan "NANDOS"

tgh dok ralit baca buku Sophie Kinsella: Remember Me?...bila baca je line story nih " Nachos with cheese.." ... tanpa aku sedar..aku tertiber mengelakkan diri aku sendiri!!... apesal eh pompoan nie??...

nie sume sebab kejadian minggu lepas!...can't recall exact date bila.. aku dok baca fail case pasal banking..nak dijadikan cerita..aku tgok2 kat cover depan file in charge-En. Aziz

so, without due delay la konon! trus pi bawak case file jumpa En. aziz... nak clearkan proses terlibat untuk dapatkan Order for Sale untuk jual rumah..kata en aziz "one of the procedure...kita kena failkan notice of appointment to hear originating summons-nama pendeknya -NATHOS"...

aku pon jawap.. "ouh okay!"..dengan confident nye ye!..

2 kali yek aku ulang statement nih! "ouh, saya faham da En aziz,rupanya NANDOS notice nie adalah procedure b4 court grant order for sale la kan.." haaaaa..confident je perkataan NANDOS tu kuaw dari mulut aku!... patutlah masa tuh En aziz dah bukan main senyum sumbing daa... sengaja dia bio aku ulang bebanyak..then baru la dia ckp "NANDOS tu makanan lah" paappp..kantoi disitu eyh...!

pengajarannye..confident tu memang banyak kebaikan..tapi kdg2 konfiden tu jugak buat kita confident jeee buat sumthing yg in fact nye xbetoi!..haha....

p/s: meby sebab aku lapar kot waktu tuh!!(betoi xtipu!...sebab masa tu aku tanya tuh sebelum lunch..haha) -cover lineeee sgttt-


"kadang-kadang diri ini berasa takut nak berhadapan dengan masa depan yang belum pasti...tapi semangat yang xpenah mengalah dalam diri...membuatkan aku pasti tentang masa depan yang memang dah dijadualkan oleh ALLAH (Yang Maha Memahami lagi Maha Mengetahui tentang segala sesuatu)..jadi letakkan kepercayaan kita kepada DIA..." 
-ekin kasim ragu-

Since, dah lama xupdate blog, let's me update a lil' about me -major thing flashing by in random on wut actually happen in my life these few "berkurun sejak meninggalkan blog" haha..

habis je FINAL EXAM (that's the end of my life as a uni student at UUM- sebab specifically aku states dekat UUM  "mana la tau lepas nie ade rezki sambung master plak"-insyaAllah.. so its proper guna statement "end my life as a student at UUM"  rather than "end my life as a student...papp titik nokhtah" (ape2 je la ekin ooi..hehe)

start INTERNSHIP dekat firm... so currently status aku skunk as an attachee dekat sebuah firm biasa2 je yg buat fully ke? aha la kann....boleh plak cam tue kan!... but still, ade gak benda2 lain yg dorang practice..

alhamdulillah..org2 kat firm tu sumenya baik2 belako...actually benda yg aku xcaya..aku praktikal kat tempat yg practice banking law....BAFIA..ISLAMIC BANKING..AL BAI BITHAMAN AJIL..lalalalalalala~ sebab dulu time dekat law school..buat memain je banking nie haa... (in future, konon2 nya da set xnak buat banking!)..sekali ko dapat ekin..hambik kau!!! tapi2..still..bagi aku..its a good things to experience on the area of law of banking...experience different area of law..!...lagipon aku sendiri xpasti rezki aku dalam bidang apa actually! walopon hakikatnya aku sangat sangatttt sangattt minat nak buat on accident cases...

bak kata dayah kecik "kita kena percaya pada rezeki..kalau TUHAN nak bagi rezeki..paaappp..sekejap je dapat".. (tu lah sebenarnya berlaku kat aku masa nak cari tempat chambering..!)

kisah cari tempat chambering biarlah rahsia! (boleh dikatakan tragik!..haha)

alhamdulillah... dapat daaa...i got wut  i want..jeng jeng..firm yg buat fully on accident cases.. so, moga segalanya dipermudahkan nnt...dipermudahkan segala proses pembelajaran (9 bulan!!) bak kata cik dayah-lawyer muda yg baru admitted to the bar setahun lepas.."saya xsabar sgt nak hbs chambering..bila habis tu..perasaan mcm baru lepas bersalin" haaa??? meby kaitan dengan 9 bulan kot kann...

Friday, 25 May 2012

CARA meluahkan perasaan yg dikategorikan sebagai"TAK KENA TEMPAT"

SAYA seriously xfaham dgn org yg selalu meluahkan ketidakpuashatian mereka pada seseorang di laman sosial such as FB or twitter.. my question is -perlukah??? 

ADALAH LEBIH BAIK kiranya kita simpan sendiri segala ketidakpuashatian anda itu adalah lebih baik dari mewar-warkan kan nya di khalayak... xbaik mengundang fitnah pada sesuatu... if xtahan sekalipon dgn sikap seseorg..just find someone else yg boleh kita percaya xkan bagitau org lain n go ahead -talk to him or her..meby dgn cara tu boleh meredakan ketidakpuashatian or etc.. bukan dgn cara publish bagi satu dunia tau.. (xbaik dikkk)

xbaik kott.. she/he might has their own set of story or reason behind it..if u did not give them the right to justify it, so please dun ever judge somethin by ur own..
KATA YG MUDAH NAK DIFAHAMI jgn cepat judge org n tafsir sesuatu immediately....

sebenarnya...Judging by ur own self is not wrong, but it is wrong (menjadi satu kesalahan pada saya) when u publish story or statement tanpa tahu pokok pangkal cerita... 

#just image..appear to be that u r the person that org lain just kata! mesti sakit aty kan.. so watch out every single words please..

The very basic rule is simple: jaga setiap perkataan yg kita ckp or tulis.. so that kita boleh buat org sekeliling berasa senang dgn kita...  

(to Sahabat : AWAK sabar ye.. sebab Allah Maha Mengetahui segala sesuatu..!)

Tuesday, 22 May 2012




1.      Appreciating the role of Rumah Seri Kenangan
In our observation, all folks have been taking care in a very good condition with all the well- equipped facilities. For example, wardens will help old folks with inability to do their routine. Therefore, as we can see, for them to live in that home care is billions better –a place of no better choice- than been neglected by their children.

2.      Never commits the same mistake as others children had done by abandon their parents.
During the short visit, we keep on asking that how someone could even has the heart to abandon a person who has given so much love to them? Or to be specific a person who have brought them into the world? Do they never think all the sacrifices that their parents had did to them. All in all, it teaches us to become a better person to our parents and make up our mind that never ever abandon them in whatever condition.

3.      Be independent : never depends on others
Furthermore, we also found that some of the occupants of the home care really do have talents and skills that cannot be question. For example, some folk ladies know how to sew and by doing so, it can be sold thus can generate their income. Despite the inability, they still depend on their own to earn a living in order to get a better life, thus they never give up to continue their life.

Learning Outcomes: Talk session “Bagaimana mencari bahagia” by Ustaz Faisal Mustafa

1.      Avoid negative thinking and attitude – be positive minded!
Guest speaker - Ustaz Faisal (zakat state officer) did mention about the bad attitude that always lingered in society from ages until now. His speech was so interesting for he added with singing (a bit) to deliver the meaning behind his speech. He said that ‘envy’ always be the strong element among society. Envy to the worse can prevent happiness.
He illustrates the situation of envy by telling a great story. Hence, impliedly, the story of – “Tiga budak hitam” teaches us not to practice envy because of the consequences behind it. One day they made a journey and reached to a desert.  On their way, they found a miracle lamp where a genie was trapped in. They then freed the genie. As a reward for the freedom, the genie will grant their wishes. The first black people wanted to be fair, the second asked to be fairer than the first one.  When it came to the third one, he asked to be fairest than his both friends. The genie refused to do so for the reason that the second one was the fairest and he cannot grant the third one’s wish as he has limited power. Shockingly, the third one asked the genie to turn back them to be black because he envied his friends. Then they all became black again. The moral that we can take from this story (according to Ustaz Faisal), when envy possessed in one’s heart, he will do anything to undermine anyone else and try to put himself in pedestal level more than anyone else. Another practical example that uses to be happen in real life is in neighborhood situation, when one buys a brand new car, another will saw it with envy heart.

2.      Patient: the key of life!
Ustaz Faisal also mentioned about patient. He said that when we want something we have to wait patiently. Sometimes God heard our prayers but He actually wanted to see us whether we are strong enough to wait for the outcome. He then came out with a true story that happened currently. The story was about a new-wed couple. One day, they went to supermarket, when they reached at dishes site the wife eagerly wanted to buy them but the husband refused by reason that they already have a lot of dishes and it such a waste if they buying them. The wife kept asking until they went home. The husband then went to mosque, when he came back home he found that his wife was committed suicide.  Ustaz Faisal said patient is the key of life. Hence, if we lose the patience then it will lead our hearts to something that is wrong.

3.      God is the place to turn to when we are in despair or losing hope
Believing in God is very important. He said that when we have problem, live in despair, lose hope or has no one to turn to, then seek and pray to God. In difficulties, we need someone to lean on. The best possible method when we are in despair is pray to God. God never leaves us alone and always heard us. In Malaysia we are living in multi ethnic society with different religions. It is to be notes that despite the differences of believe, do not forget our God in whatever positions you as it is the key of happiness and success.

some of them are not reluctant to share their experiences

sharing the happiness with them
with my batchmates "geng gossiping"!!

dgn mak cik ecah @aisyah

mak cik & pak cik kat sana sume pandai buat "peace yorrr"..hehe

Monday, 21 May 2012


Islamic law establishes its regulation for social justice based  on three general foundations, namely, absolute freedom of conscience, the complete equality of all humans and the mutual responsibility of the individual and society toward each other.

 The freedom of conscience  can be defines as the freedom to do what you believe to be right[1]. The basis of this foundation is that, without freedom of conscience, it is impossible to have a complete justice. In order to serve the highest purposes of human beings, it must arises from an inner conviction of the person. Thus, it must be claimed by the person and also it must be needed by the community. In terms of its application in legislation, the society cannot proceed with such legislation unless there is a threat from inside and a demand from its people. These are the facts that Islamic law has derived its ordinance and laws.
            Legislation concerning the poor-tax (zakat) in Islamic Law traces its root in freedom of conscience principle. It is due to the fact that Islam (Shari’a) prohibits begging. The Hadith views begging as non permissible and forbidden that results in punishment in the Day of Resurrection if it is done without the need to do as such. The law on poor-tax explains that poor-tax is to be accepted as a right and is not to be given as a charity : “And of their wealth there was a settled share for the beggar and the outcast[2]. Under the law, shares is collected by the state to be spend on Muslim welfare to meet the needs and maintain the self-esteem of those in need and to reserve to them their good conscience. The law on poor-tax is in line with the fact that zakat is one of the practical obligations of Islam.
            In conlcusion, the freedom of conscience in Islam (Shari’a) is the cornerstone on which social justice is build. It attempts to call forth the highest abilities and to arouse the highest desires in human nature, to liberate the conscience.

The Qur’an stated that humans are equal and there is no superior race or despised people by reason of its origin or its nature[3]. Islamic law uphold the principle stated in the Qur’an. The only purpose of equality is to make matter clear and firm in its application so that the justice is done accordingly.
            In Hadith there was an example of civil equality under the law. A case occurred in which a Jew came to the Prophet insisting on payment of a debt before it was due. His companions wished to beat up the Jew but the Prophet said: “Let him go; one who has a right, has the right to speak up.”[4]
            Theory of equality has been applied in practice in regard to the restriction on the rights of an individual when the rights of others are harmed. The example of equality under the law can be found during the reign of Khulafa’ Al-Rasyidin. The case involved the desire of the complaining person to obtain water by digging a canal under the defendant’s land and the defendant refused[5]. The case was brought to Caliph ‘Umar Ibn al-Khattab, who then decided to let the plaintiff dig the canal. The reason for the verdict is that it involved a benefit to others without impairment or injury cause to the owner. So in consideration, the welfare of the community takes precedence over the welfare of the individual.  
            According to Hanafi and Maliki schools of thought, the exercise of an individual rights is only permitted provided that it is exercised for the purpose for which the right was created and the exercise of a right is illegal if it result in an excessive harm and injury to others.

Every individual is expected to be a watchman in his community to guarantee its safety. The fact that when individuals work for the welfare of the community, they tend to work honestly. It is being contended that, to curb evil-doing in the community is everyone’s responsibility.
“Whoever among you sees any evil-doing, let him change it with his hand; if he cannot do that, let him change it with his heart; and that shows the weakest faith.”[6]
The community is responsible for its weak members. This can be illustrate by the community responsibility for the poor. In such instance, the state should pay them the zakat (poor tax) form the collection of money from the community to meet the needs of the poor.

[1] Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, 7th Edition at page 308
[2] Qur’an, 51: 19
[3] “O ye people, reverence your Lord who created you from one soul, creating from it its mate; and He spread abroad from these two many men and women” Qur’an, 4:1.
[4] Ahmad Zaki, Islamic Law and Contemporary Issues (Jidda: The Sausi Publishing House, 1972), p.37.
[5] Al-Dahak v. Muhammad Ibn Muslimah
[6] Tradition of the Prophet

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Ekin u need to says.......

Sunday, 25 March 2012


the design was soooo cool & nice!!
sape2 nak order..boleh laa plce ur order here :allcupcakestory:



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